Koala, the list you made... If I have to host on tuesdays, I won't be able to do that every second week. Study stuff. I'll just try to host when I can, I guess.
Kakajade, I'd say that for you it would be better to use gimp, since it's free and can do almost everything photoshop does. Imo, the difference isn't worth the cost.
Volare, photoshop definitely has more features than gimp. That makes ps better at some point.
Also, I don't really understand the part where kakajade's going to ask mocucha to do... something...? What exactly? Making the replays? Or the video?
Zyrax, as a counter to your argument that we all suck at replay making, I'll upload Lolly's replay.
Btw, for some it may be a surprise, but we already have a skype chat. But it developed into a total mess quite fast. So, instead of inviting you to a semi-dead pit of spam with random people, I'll just make a new chat where we'll invite only clan members and the people that are really close to us - ex-members, etc.
Edit: btw, post your damn replays already. And skype names aswell.
Nevermind then... My idea's ar bad when i say some .
I have shittest tori ever , i don't have tc (1200) and with that amount i mean that i need tc for texture's , whe i make heads , they suck , when i wanna make replays , they suck , when i wanna play with you guys i can't , arrgh ...
That clanvideo thing i might forget
my mood : Dissapointed