Well, since I met Lushmoke and Abnoub ingame and they want to get their desicion and the other recruiters is a bit busy, I'll just take them( Abnoub and Lushmoke only).
Well, Abnoub:
Ab-Half doesnt cut it- your overall movement was really simple and slow, you should do something interesting while moving. Anyways the split was alright, aimed pretty good but It didn't impress me though, then all you did was pretty messy and a bit random so i could say the end was pretty bad I'm afraid.
Born to Kill- Well, The opener was good but then you continue it pretty messy, seems like you're too close with uke. The next stuff that you did was just confusing me because it was messy and didin't look clear.
but after frame 160 something, it became good. It was destructive and looked fast, you kicks were become more clear too.
Ab-Posing always Win- Well, the way how you come to uke wasn't that good in my opinion, it was a bit random for my taste. The decap was nice, but I didn't like your aim of your decap kick. Pose also could need some work.
Well Overall I think you're not ready yet, your movement need more style and don't be messy and random. It's a no from now
the combo of death xlushx- Well, opener wasn't look that good but then you continue it pretty nicely. The punch was nice, the aim of the punch was pretty good. the decap was also nice and flowing nicely with the punch. But your body when did that decap was looked weird though, after that decap, you ghosted your arm and it wasn't good. the pose could need some work though.
Pound to death- Well, the opener was quite cool, the balance of your body after that was also good. The few punches and the dm punch was also quite good. The non dm kick that you did after that was cool in my opinion. The other few punches in the end was alright and the split was good. This replay was nice though, but it didn't impress me, seriously.
Split+decapv.1- Well, the opener and the jump was quite good but the grab was seriously kill your speed and your movement became weird cause of it. Split was good, nothing much tpo say about it. after the split, the way how you come to uke to get his head was really cool in my opnion. The decap was also nice, again, the pose could need some work though.
Well Lushmoke, overall your replays were nice. But I can't find anything that really impress me. Sorry but It's a no
Well, done.
Also for the other recruiters, please don't fotget to give Wiarcik a final desicion because I'm neutral to that guy.