just get wriggles and then trinity or mallet if you getting lots of kils.

Trundle its a normal jungler althought he needs the slow.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by KingXa View Post

Anyone know a good build for trundle?

wriggles w/ metagolem
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
So who else got invited to PBE?

I did hueheuehuehuehuehuehueheuheuhe.

Its pretty rad you start with massive IP/RP and level 30.
Its boss.

What's that?
public beta environment... its quite cool... but i am not part of it even if i´m active like an addict...

btw sk and fnatic owned IEM Ny AD Kog maw carries the shit... i mean american teams had their fucking "OP" lin-up like taric cait bot and zilean mid and got melted away....
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
public beta environment... its quite cool... but i am not part of it even if i´m active like an addict...

btw sk and fnatic owned IEM Ny AD Kog maw carries the shit... i mean american teams had their fucking "OP" lin-up like taric cait bot and zilean mid and got melted away....

I don't see why cait is so popular. She scales pretty poorly into late game without a decent early game, her snare is only useful if there's a pre-stun or there was time to setup, her q doesn't scale to late game, and her net is only useful for escape the majority of the time. And her ult can be blocked, has to be channeled, and gives vision of her when she does it. Her passive and long range are the only things that really work to her favor :/
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I don't see why cait is so popular. She scales pretty poorly into late game without a decent early game, her snare is only useful if there's a pre-stun or there was time to setup, her q doesn't scale to late game, and her net is only useful for escape the majority of the time. And her ult can be blocked, has to be channeled, and gives vision of her when she does it. Her passive and long range are the only things that really work to her favor :/

She is a good pusher and can farm very very easy. Paired up with a good support like taric/sona you can harrass and not be afraid about health, farm and push them out of the lane. Once they are out the tower is basically gone. Once you destroyed the tower in your lane, you can move on to another lane. Basically, it's very easy to win a game fast with her.
<~Phoenix_afk> fu
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I don't see why cait is so popular. She scales pretty poorly into late game without a decent early game, her snare is only useful if there's a pre-stun or there was time to setup, her q doesn't scale to late game, and her net is only useful for escape the majority of the time. And her ult can be blocked, has to be channeled, and gives vision of her when she does it. Her passive and long range are the only things that really work to her favor :/

She wins her lane. Period. If you lose your lane as cait you are so fucking retarded you should just quit the game.

That's why she's so good.

Also she farms HARD
Never made a mention about her losing the lane, I just don't see her scaling very well into late game. Other ranged dps champs have abilities that scale well for the late game, like ashe's slow and ult, or kogmaw's w, but cait just doesn't seem to have any of that. Her range is like her only selling point, and that slight distance means jackshit for most competent players. Even with a farm, she still doesn't seem to have the same damage output I see with other comparable dps that get the same farm.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing cait just as much as the next guy, but she's really more of a fuck around champ rather than a tryhard champ to me.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Cait, best dps carry for me. Had penta with her <3 ( and it's my only one :< )
Farming hard ( 2 dorans, boots and ie in 20 min, hue hue, if fed well even less )
Harrasing hard.
Killing hard ( passive + brush = dohohohoho )
Still, if you get stuned, you're fucked.
cait = \o/

i got fed so much i had 2 bloodthirsters, three phantom dancers, and boots of swiftness, and be the first lvl 18. fun fun fun