Originally Posted by Spark View Post
T'is a Holden Executive 04 model.

Think Holdens are aussie brand of car.

Some picture of google:
Pretty much a mirror image of mine, just a different colour.

Dat car

Sweet :O

Oh and Lorrtex, you only get banned for a day if you lost in round 1 p:. 2 days if in round 2, 3 days if in round 3 etc.

So Sentinel, you didn't lose first round but you didn't register for the next? So you didn't get a collector's item?
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
You Solve Stuffs. If you survive til the end, you'll get 1Mil TC.
If you loses, youre banned based on the days you survived.
we rub a mexican monkey
Cool idea accually, and to whoever wins the one mil tc I was like your cheerleader so you owe me some cause I helped you win.
Made by Fenris