try to check news section you brat

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor

Last edited by Lionet; Sep 27, 2019 at 02:18 PM. Reason: PS: dont bully weebs, they are sensitive
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Watch my Replays!

Sora is a bit weird, he like talks about simps for like 2 pages straight with his friend seenior on his clan board, i think that guy seenior will be a simp like for eternity and then some...but all in all Sora's aight, when he is not talking about simps all day that is.