Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
Guys I am getting bored and tired
I fell like I am running this claan alone
And this clan is not moving
Useless posts,boring stuff ,people saying
How cool they are because of small things
The most interesting thing for me is
Fallu's replays
And nobody even cnc s him or say anything about it(inculding me )
And why did u kick oliw
He did nothing wrong
Just because u don't like him
Doesn't mean he diserves to be kicked
If I find any good proof to kick him
I'll do
But I don't think u will find

:v If you are getting angry at me, it wasn't me who kicked him, yes i don't like him and i have no other reason for saying not to invite him. But if you do invite him i will not mind it too much, it's just that all the "rumors" seem pretty bad for the clan.
Sorry if the clan isn't moving and starting to become boring, i can't say that things will become better or not and i know i'm not doing shit to improve it, but what i can say is that i am pretty sure the clan didn't die because of you. And i am not saying that to keep you in the clan, you are free to leave, i won't hold any grudges against you if you do.
Will do my best to comment on the replays :v.
I really have nothing to say xD but since everyone haters olive:
U ar a bed pleyer
U ar a newb
U aint gon be in
U be in Hampa prison (jk)
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Jack I am not getting angry at u
Its just..
Okay time to do something about it
I will start making betting servers for its
Maybe Thursdays or Fridays
I'll see
When I sell this vortex primary gradient :@:@:
Anybody willing to help it is it all accepted
INB4 14 days ban
Hmm, scorpionma, re-invite oliw.
But, we have nothing to talk about!!
I think we must recruit more active members
And me i will start making replays too like fallu (but sure that it wont be as good as fallu' replays)
And i will think about a thing that we can talk about and have fun without spamming.
And i would like to do the bet server with you :-) just said to me in what houre you will do it and with what GMT
Last edited by Fire; Apr 21, 2014 at 08:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Guys, if you need activity im willing to try making replays daily xD
even thought as Emily said I wont be as good as Fallu but ill be doing spars and replays...
Beatzarr, you are really kind/helpful ... Isnt (its) ally with (d) ? I would love that to happen xD ... Would anyone like to buy a Supernova Force :0 ... Im willing to (t) my supernova for art :3
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Yep, we are allies. Our first alliance was with It's a clan
I'm helpful because this is my past clan.