Cloren what happened to you makin the vid?...and noomy thats fair, showing 7 replays from 3 people and the rest either get one or 2 replays!

Edit:And what the hell happened to my fucking song request that one was crap!
Last edited by ZRENT; Jul 8, 2009 at 12:48 AM.
I mean i fucking wasted a damn month scrolling threw the thread to have one of my 5 damn replays shown in the fucking vid!
Ok thats fucking it.

im sick and tired of people going "i only have 1 replay in the whole video" and shit like that.

honestly i thought 3 quarters of the replays you shown me where shit. im not saying mine arnet shit (cause they are).
i mean just come on.
you scroll through all the comments here and on youtube i havent even got 1 "oh thanks noomy" "nice vid noomy" or ANY constructive crit.

If you think you can do a better job, Fine go ahead.

Do you know how many hours i spent wasting my time on doing this, no TC given to me, no rewards except people saying "good job", and i diden't even get that.

somtimes i wonder why the fuck i don't just quit DIAF right here if i don't get anything.

i mean ive been helping DIAF with members and recruiting problems since the clan STARTED and yet people just think "he look noomy, so wheres MYI i wonder, i really wanna see MYI and locker again, i wonder where they are, oh there they are im gonna go talk to MYI and make noomy look"

look on the fucking first post of the alliance things and sure enough, guess who posted first (shaqlebron was my other account before it got banned).

ive made 4 can vids, been sticking around for ages, and never given up, and yet do i get a single "wow his down that much" no.
i just get a "WORK HARDER"

Zrent: fuck you and your song request. if you think you can do a bettter vid with that song i would love to see you try
Last edited by noomy; Jul 9, 2009 at 08:21 AM.
Well thanks mickeld

i wasn't basing that rage at you though.


Zrent: i couldent add all the replays. that would take like 7 minutes, which would just be boring for everyone watching , and Fraps was fucking up bad. half of the replays i recorded decided to delete themselves. and if your so concerned about fairness, ill just take you out since your not happy with only getting 1 replay in there, and add Mickeld and Iceman. yes i can do that.

and if you wernt in it i'm really sorry as i said before not everyone can be in it

also d/w about looking on youtube ill just qoute them here

Originally Posted by Cloren
only 2 of my replays are there.....
well its ok at least im in....
and what head you put in mine??

Originally Posted by iceman
*** man.
im not in it

Originally Posted by iceman
**** song

Originally Posted by zrent
How come some people got all 5 of their replays showed and some only got 1-2 of their replays shown, and what about cloren's vid?

Originally Posted by Mickeld
nice vid YES FIRST ONE TO SAY NICE VID i wanna be in next one

Last edited by noomy; Jul 9, 2009 at 08:32 AM.