Belt: 3rd Dan
Preferred Mods: Instagibfeet/Akidio/Judo/Romanwrestlingbeta
Old Clans: Quick
Why do you want to join?: you guys are very skilled and known, and i want to learn from you guys
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban ?: some artistic and creative skills, as far as in playing i can get very creative with submission moves
Other Qualities: well, being active, and somewhat a fast learner of everything.
You will need to include 3-5 replays. ( SP prefered, Examples below ) I will put 5 VERY different replays below.
1st one is in mp judo
2nd one is in mp romanwrestlingbeta
3rd one is in default its acrobatic kind
4th one is in realtoriboxingmw2