Date | Mode | number of participants | winner | second | 1st prize | 2nd prize | Notes (optional)
Date | Ammount | who from | reason
June 2009
In:30-06-09 | Judo.tbm | 21 | Ace120 | SennaX | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs
Totals of june ´09:15/06/2009 | 80000 | Crunchymoney | Bank refill 22/06/2009 | 200000 | Crunchymoney | Bank refill
IN: 280.000
OUT: 123.000
Note: 10 trainee tourneys hosted.
July 2009
In:01-07-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 17 | Mandragora | hopeman2 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 02-07-09 | kickbox.tbm | 18 | Vlad9999 | drgonx | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 03-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 19 | LordAntek | Defc0n1 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 05-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | BillieJoe | Zercha | 6000 tcs |3000 tcs 06-07-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 18 | Biotrash | Vaati | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 07-07-09 | taekkyon.tbm | 18 | deejayy741 | 3akOH | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 08-07-09 |Judo.tbm | 20 | Joshua | Ace120 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 09-07-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 19 | JePoY | Evilturtle | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 09-07-09 | aikido.tbm | 17 | Misanthrope | FoodEater | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 09-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 19 | Griptip | Teo1995 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 11-07-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | SennaX | SthrideXx | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 13-07-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 |ptiking | socado1 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 14-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | xacex | psycho96 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 14-07-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 |CRASH3R | Razaguin | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 15-07-09 | kickbox.tbm | 19 | jepoy | pab10 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 15-07-09 | ninjutsu.tbm | 20 | egor12 |supernada | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 16-07-09 | judo.tbm | 20 | supernada | gumfighter | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 17-07-09 | taekkyon.tbm | 18 | pab10 | radogoshi | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 17-07-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 18 | evolution6 | mrwh00pass |6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 17-07-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | guilherme1 | Isbot | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 19-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 23 | Disa051295 | Tinerr | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 24-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 |Deadkenny | Icylegend | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 24-07-09 | aikido.tbm | 17 | Pab10 | sk8er | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 25-07-09 | taekkyon.tbm | 20 | Killer008 | Biotrash | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs | sent 2nd prize to reko18 due to BioTrash will 26-07-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 18 | revanov | mikechup | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 28-07-09 | Judo.tbm | 21 | batyz | killer3366 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 30-07-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 18 | chapa3 | fixmaster | 12000 tcs | 3000 tcs | first doubled with booster 30-07-09 | aikido.tbm | 18 | deadkenny | skillz88 | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs | second doubled with booster 30-07-09 | judofrac.tbm | 20 | masterj05h | deadkenny | 12000 tcs | 3000 tcs | first doubled with booster 30-07-09 | judo.tbm | 20 | redbox | rufan | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 31-07-09 | kickbox.tbm | 18 | batyz | biotrash | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs
Totals of july ´09:06/07/2009 | 7000 | BkRabbit | Freelancer tourney (bot & muteall/unmuteall) 09/07/2009 | 7000 | chickenpox | Freelancer tourney (bot & muteall/unmuteall) 13/07/2009 | 50000 | PhailBot | Bank refill 26/07/2009 | 140000 | Phailbot | Bank refill 30/07/2009 | 7000 |ThunderX | Freelancer tourney (bot & muteall/unmuteall)
IN: 211.000
OUT: 291.000
In:05-08-09 | kickbox.tbm | 19 | culapou | kaelthas | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 06-08-09 | judofrac.tbm | 20 | Culapou |bishop1 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 06-08-09 | taekkyon.tbm | 18 | Ace120 | Icylegend | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 07-08-09 | judo.tbm | 20 | raugarn | andrekbca2 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs | andrekbca2 sent 3000 tcs back, because I gave him 6000 tcs by mistake 08-08-09 | girlfight.tbm | 20 | ajww13 | dandlymat | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 09-08-09 | kickbox.tbm | 18 | robertgb | fixmaster | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 10-08-09 | judofrac.tbm | 18 | jepoy | iownupussy | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 13-08-09 | tataki.tbm | 18 | 40757 | oneil | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 13-08-09 | judo.tbm | 20 | charredlightning | mrbalz | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 13-08-09 | taekkyon.tbm | 18 | killer008 | baygonn | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 15-08-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | xzap | kaelthas | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 17-08-09 | judofrac.tbm | 18 | slinker666 | cyclone3 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 18-08-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 20 | coreyp008 | masterryu9 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 18-08-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | Stinger69 | 7734 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 20-08-09 |Taekkyon.tbm | 18 | Ninjatori | Manfred | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 21-08-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 |zytziqo | ax7 | 6000 tcs |3000 tcs 24-08-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | Pika | TT365 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 24-08-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 18 | Ninjatori | Culapou | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 24-08-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 20 | killer008 | moop | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 26-08-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | Pab10 | Profile1to10 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs
Totals of August `09:01/08/2009 | 7000 | BkRabbit | Freelancer tourney (bot & muteall/unmuteall) 05/08/2009 | 7000 | BkRabbit | Freelancer tourney (bot & muteall/unmuteall) 07/08/2009 | 3000 | Tinerr | see tourney of this day 08/08/2009 | 7000 | BkRabbit | Freelancer tourney (bot & muteall/unmuteall) 14/08/2009 | 300000 | Crunchymoney | Refill 21/08/2009 | 6000 | Fireless | Freelancer tourney (bot) 25/08/2009 | 6000 | BkRabbit | Freelancer tourney (bot) 25/08/2009 | 6000 | BkRabbit | Freelancer tourney (bot)
IN: 342000
OUT: 189000
IN03-09-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | AkunaBeast | Dodekus | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs | second doubled for booster 04-09-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 18 | ganryu | bishop1 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 04-09-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 20 | bes | whitesensei| 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 11-09-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 20 | Gugu29 | bigsworder | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 11-09-09 | lenshu3.tbm | 22 | BLEDNYI | Oddkward| 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs | supervising TORIKAI 12-09-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | Mikechup | Deejayy741 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs
October:04/09/2009 | 323 | Tinerr | Just to make the tcs finish in "000" ;)
supervised Ele02-10-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 20 | Pablo | Nirs | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs
Supervised Lebo 2 times
supervised burden 3 times
judged 66/66 flames (in progress) / ~ 5 min each
hosted promomon 3 times
Supervised Tart01-11-09 | Judo.tbm | 22 | dudex | TheElement | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs | 2nd doubled for booster 02-11-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 19 | rex441 | keujaune | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs 02-11-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | ctrl | Dodekus | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs | 2nd doubled for booster 02-11-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 19 | whitesensei | dominorm | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 04-11-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | tonin96 | alexwwe | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 05-11-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | goldDog | NickXD | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 06-11-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 21 | ganryu | profile1to10 | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs 09-11-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 20 | bleghy | nirs | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs | sent 3000 tcs to the "3000" account by mistake. 09-11-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | smfc1877 | leyz | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 09-11-09 | acrojoust.tbm | 20 | ravis | stiktori | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 11-11-09 | aikido.tbm | 18 | shin-ryuu | jaqon | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 11-11-09 | Steel_package aikido | 20 | pokemone | borgpunx | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 12-11-09 | Kickbox.tbm | 20 | slipkn0t | gogusito | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 12-11-09 | judo.tbm | 20 |sabath | zip0 | 12000 tcs| 6000 tcs | first doubled with booster, second prize mistaken and sent extra 3k (I sent 3k from my main account to repair them). 13-11-09 | aikido.tbm | 18 | mosier | deadkenny | 6000 tcs |3000 tcs 13-11-09 | taekkyon.tbm | 18 | sabath | matt21211 | 12000 tcs | 3000 tcs | first doubled with booster 14-11-09 | judofrac.tbm | 18 | culapou | eduardo | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 14-11-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | Petri | folk101 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 18-11-09 | greykido.tbm | 19 | deadkenny | gheorghe95 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 18-11-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | Ganryu | SennaX | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 19-11-09 | kickbox.tbm | 20 | Ace120 | assassin8r | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 19-11-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | siku | TIcux | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs | sent 1st prize to sabath (siku told me to) 20-11-09 | Greykido.tbm | 19 | Nirs | NinjaTori | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 20-11-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 18 | mrama | agent007 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 20-11-09 | judo.tbm | 20 | theelement | hellobob | 12000 tcs | 3000 tcs | first doubled with booster 22-11-09 | judo.tbm | 20 | iownupussy | sabath | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 30-11-09 | Judofrac.tbm | 20 | pokemone | bloodysman | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs
Supervised Burden 2 times
December:22-11-09 | 6000 tcs | cgrx | freelancer tourney (bot & muteall)
Supervised Chickenpox: 2 times03-12-09 | Taekkyon.tbm | 19 | kataphrakt | nts | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs | second prize doubled for booster 05-12-09 | Taekkyon.tbm(tf=5) | 25 | Dee666 | Rutz | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 13-12-09 | Greykido | 19 | ThixDxC | d4ng3r | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 17-12-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 | perfectkok | buraco | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs 18-12-09 | Judo.tbm | 20 |UrodbI | 1543 | 6000 tcs | 3000 tcs | Maxbelt = 1000 20-12-09 | kickbox.tbm | 20 | geerd | malekai | 6000 tcs | 6000 tcs | second prize doubled for booster
Supervised Bes: 3 times