Neither of us are sure how, but my friend got corki, and his ufo skin for free randomly one day.
Though i agree, hes really fun, love his ulti
Saving for pantheon...

Next time i buy a hero when I'm saving for a 3K hero i want a 1 day ban.
Seriously its happened 4 times. Saving for a 3K hero and i buy a 1350 hero.
Megadoomer ill pm you if i do it again kay?
I also want a slap in the face.
I might save up for corki, or just be lazy and buy teemo. Who knows

EDIT: ugh, Ap corki is terrible until end game, I'm going back to dps because I'm sick of getting 5 kills and 20 assists.

Also, anyone know any decent champs who are good as attackspeed type dps besides tf, warwick, and ashe?
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jun 3, 2010 at 06:53 AM.
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
I might save up for corki, or just be lazy and buy teemo. Who knows

EDIT: ugh, Ap corki is terrible until end game, I'm going back to dps because I'm sick of getting 5 kills and 20 assists.

Also, anyone know any decent champs who are good as attackspeed type dps besides tf, warwick, and ashe?

master yi, taric, gangplank(sort of ), kayle, mordekaiser, shaco(with AD aswell), shen, jax, sivir, ashe, tryndamere, twitch, udyr

Those are pretty much all of them.
I'm so mad right now.
I just went to spend 10 usd on this.
And it said there was a error with my address.
So i re put it in.
Said it again.
Did it once more.
Turns out each time it charged me 10 usd.
And now i have no points.
But the money is gone.
Fuck you riot games.
been wanting to try tryndamere, using yi and shaco just make me feel like an ass, jax is overused, I want to try udyr, want to try twitch, taric isn't my type, and the rest are just eh.

I'll figure it out, I'm just wanting to branch out more
You should definitly try tryndamere, with the right build he will be hitting 1.5k criticals pretty often around end game, which could pretty much give your team the game.

Udyr is pretty good, definitly didn't live up to the hype I had before getting him though, twitch is one of the most fun heros but he is basically autoclick dependant, stealth>slow>ult>when running use expunge
I actually might buy garen, because at the moment, he's the only character that I've tried and liked enough to be worth the 3k ip. But I dunno, I might wait till next week and try udyr and nasus.