Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
... even though I'm way above average in other fps.

How I've read this


How I imagine it


(I found it by google; "Toribash forum Nobuddie Bus driver")

Cities:Skylines anyone?

Heard it contains everything that the new sin city didn't had
Payday 2 sucked.

I played LUFTRAUSERS. Very, very entertaining and addicting at first, but it's rather short lived. Worth checking out when on some killer sale, because it's not worth 10euroish that it costs on steam. Anyway, a good simple game.

Also played binding of isaac (slowpoke). My opinion won't be much different from majority of people I guess, it's fun, has neat atmosphere/theme, has great music. Randomization is a bit annoying though, as you can have a god-mode run or a nightmare where you only get useless shit and debuffing pills.
While it's fun, I don't see how people have hundred of hours clocked playing it. Maybe if they're autistically grinding all achievements. Mmm.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
With ~20ish hours of isaac I'm finally bored. I don't have an opinion about the randomization, it kinda extends longevity of the game but on the other hand I got bored/annoyed of the game exactly because of the randomness enabling you to have a really bad run with terrible items. Welp, 20h is still a really good time and well worth the ~1 dollar I paid for the game when it was on sale.

I also played and finished SteamWorld Dig. It's a cute small game with a nice steampunk setting, it's basically about mining/digging, as you earn cash and pay for upgrades the town grows, meanwhile you dig out ancient tech from the underground, there's even a boss fight. It took me 5h but it has some minor replaying potential, especially for speedruns, but I don't feel like doing it this instant. I think I'll pick it up in some time tho, trying to finish it as fast as possible.

Now I'm picking up Hammerwatch. It appears to be a fun retro-ish hack & slash dungeon crawler. It also has multiplayer mode, so if anybody also has hammerwatch (it was in some humblebundle), we can play it together. Anyone?

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Hammerwatch is such a great game.. I loved it so much, even though it's often very terrible that you have to start again from the beginning when you die. It ended it rounds with only arrow-class shooting the shit out in cross-firelines. We came far, but after the tenth time dieing in level 10 or the like we stopped playing it.

That would be a great game for a little hamachi round
I haven't played games in a while. My backlog is ever so large as well. Anyone care to gibe 2k€€€ for a nice gaming rig?
I finished playing Sleeping Dogs. Took me 24h (I did most side stuff except for collectibles) and was pretty amazing. Despite having it's flaws it's still a 10/10 for me. Good stuff.

I also played gunpoint. Pretty fun too, and has neat writing/humour but is very short. In 6h I got 100% steam achievements. If it's on big sale or in some humble bundle again, it's a worthy purchase, still.

I also checked out warthunder yesterday but it didn't engage me too much. Meh.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Okay. I finished Spec Ops: The Line. I wasn't too certain about how I'd rate the game because I didn't really get the "right" vibe from all the supposedly emotional moments (except maybe for


but the ending sold me. I liked the twist, it's a rather good game. Tad bit short tho, took me 7h to complete on hard (hardest isn't available in first playthrough) and that's including additional loading and so on to check other outcomes. Nevertheless, a game worth checking out. Gameplay is fairly likable (except for few dumb things such as retarded grenade launcher suicides due to invisible walls) although it suffers from the cover system (duh) and there's so many enemies it damages my suspension of disbelief (it's a batallion, but the numbers look more like division or a whole fucking army), soundtrack is very good. Enjoyed it. It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him.

I'd give it 7 or 7.5 /10.
Last edited by JtanK; Apr 4, 2015 at 02:36 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Finished Alien versus Predator. It obviously didn't live up to my hype, campaigns are short, all reuse the very same sectors/maps, there are certain stupid things happening in them, campaigns are for most of time super unchallenging and end just as they finally get interesting and throw enough enemies at you. I was only satisfied with alien's ending because it had something I longed for, namely fight against multiple predators. Also predator campaign is boringly easy, marine's campaign biggest challenge was not stepping into poodles of acid. Oh and talking of marine campaign, on hard enemies become more of hp-bloats, making certain weapons useless, grenade launcher had basically no splash damage, shotgun was mostly useless, flamethrower was entirely useless because it didn't even manage to fry facehuggers with its' miserable damage. Sniper rifle on the other hand was so powerful I used it for majority of the game. Ooooh, also survival mode is a fucking joke with 2 maps and only playable as marine. Holy shit, I mean in 2000 I could play survival on more maps and could also pick a predator or select a type of weapon I wanted. 10 years later and it's devolving. Argh.
Oh, and the multiplayer is 100% dead.

From perspective of not-avp-fan (not me) it's probably a fairly good game, from my perspective it's only disappointingly 'sufficient'. Dreams shattered. It gave me a hunger for some avp2000, I went on and installed it as I uninstalled the newest AVP. Heh.
Numbers wise idk, a 6/10? 6.5/10?

[re] | #Polska
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