Ah run. It is really easy to run realistic. But sometimes you should hold your knee on almost extended, that give you more speed, sometimes you should rise your shoulders to dont fall back and also give you more speed, and the most important thing for balance in running are doing lumbars and ankles. With relaxed knee you also can do run that looks like you are jumping . Ofc hips are used more then other body parts in running. When you run you should sometimes hold your hip or relax if you are falling back . But we all know to run in tb, but ther al always way to make it better and realistic. Use your hands by that hold your elbows on semi extende, sometimes use your neck just that it look like you re looking foward. use your hands and legs when you are moving your left leg foward, you need to realx your left pec and move foward your other pec, and do that again in the other way with right leg foward... also sometimes if you look thats you gona fall on your side then you need to use your lumbars , also you can use your lumbars for turning in other way. LOL just now i see how much I have writen there.