View Poll Results: Who should be new clan co leader
11 Votes / 33.33%
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5 Votes / 15.15%
17 Votes / 51.52%
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Voters: 33. You may not vote on this poll
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Thank you for accepting me in the clan. It has been a great day for me. Definitely looking forward to play more with you guys. With that said I'm going to bed. Peace.
kindle sorry i missed the meeting again im not gonna be ingame for awile so can you pm me please thanks lots of love to my awsome family/kira brotheren. iight well imoff to bed peace but kindle pm me what was all said ok thanks
like what scotty said please pm me so i can what is going on in our family. ok well me and scotty are going to bed peace out and goodnight. and thanks for ranking me as oblivion. and also pm me about what thatt rank means and symbalizes thanks kindle.
ehe some what. lol hey just want to post this after noon just to see how is everyone doing. btw im not gonna have my laptop untill next week friday and my license next monday :/ so im kinda mad for the second.