So hi there. My name is duck, or otherwise known as Samuel. I am a 16 year old white male from Slovakia, with my GMT being +1. I am going to the last year of elementary school, but now I have 2 months of sweet,sweet free time. In my free time I usually go to the gym, play computer games, read books or start being lazy. I used to play football for my school team but then I got severly injured and was said to never play dangerous/easly injurable sports anymore. It was fun tho. I am mostly clumsy motherfucker, who can´t get anything right. I try my best to be atleast somewhat useful, but we will talk about that later.
Ok, that was IRL, now a bit more toribash speak. I am a player who joined back in 2011 and then re-joined after a break in 2012 IN these 2/3 years I have experienced many things and I have gained skills, experience and friends. I have been playing toribash for the longest time, but recently I got kind of bored of it. It started with not being able to play many games, therefore no belt upgrades and that lead to me only sticking to SP. But, as everything does for me, that failed as well. I kinda lost the inspitration on the initiative I had for replay making so I usually just stick to the forums nowadays. Talking about the forums, as you can see, I am pretty active, with over 1000 posts gained in a span of few months (back in february I had a bit over 100 posts). My most visited boards would have to be support, replays, off-topic and S&I. In support, I try to help out people as much as I can, in other words, I help with everything I know of that I can help. SInce I lost my replay making initiative, I usually go around the replay board and cnc other people, which can be fun. Off-topic is kind of obvious. So many different topic basically anybody could comment on, so why wouldnt I? I also check the List of all staff, past and present daily. (I will mention a fun fact/story about that later on). And the last one, S&I. I have probably proposed only like 2 ideas, both of which got kinda shot down, but what like the most is shooting down ridiculous/overused/already in the game ideas, and believe me, there are a lot of those there. Sometimes, there is a hidden gem there, such as Twillight´s Toribash staff idea. That one was good, and got added fast (For those who dont know, twillight was responible for the change of "View forum leaders" into "View Toribash staff" which makes sense seeing as gamemaster are mentioned there too, and they dont do much of "forum leading".)
Fun story about the list of all staff:
I like reading. The frst time I started to really go deep into the forums I read the whole list of the staff thread. I saw people I know getting staff positions, people who I didnt think would even be staff and stuff liek that. This got me really interested into the past of toribash and I started to read every old thread, I also picked up on some things from the "golden era" just by overhearing converstation. Because of this, I can have fruitful discussions with the oldfags about the past, and I always like to learn more about the past.
The third big part of toribash is IRC. I go to the IRC channels daily, with the most visited being #support, #gamers, #toribash, #tea (good tiems, good, ole tiems.). I go to support everyday so I can sit there and wait for a beep to pop up so I can help a helpless sould looking for a solution for the neverending question of life. Or just telling him how to go to their´s inventory.
#gamers is a fun place for all the members of the Gamers organization. Nothing much to say, we discuss things like games, first world issues, real life stuff and "on a scale of 1 to america, how free are you tonight @#w#@".
"stop fucking asking me if i turned it off and back on, this is support goddamit why do you ask me stupid questions i should be the one asking stupid questions" (Actual quote from support from a long time ago, dont remember from who)