Tori name: Mcburger
Belt: 2nd dan
Why i want to join: Because this clan sounds like its going to be 1 of the top clans
How much i play: usually in my spare time
Time zone (country): Australia
Past clans: DIAF and KO
What textures do i have: none atm
hm, tc sent to HebrewHamr, about us sent to ladyDEATH now we have to wait ~1months I think
Originally Posted by McBurger
Tori name: Mcburger
Belt: 2nd dan
Why i want to join: Because this clan sounds like its going to be 1 of the top clans
How much i play: usually in my spare time
Time zone (country): Australia
Past clans: DIAF and KO
What textures do i have: none atm
50k? first deposit those 50k, then we will give u them... we need tc for other things, and btw for b-day clans dont giving tc >.>
Say who will come in judoweek2 server? today, after 40minutes...