No need to click the go advanced button, the site's forum URL for the picture would already have the . The slash comes before the word, never after.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Hey guys .


Today the sun shining .

I go today to my mom so i will be online at 19:00 or 20:00

Nice head texture Koalaking !

More news soon....

Have a nice day ! Kakajade
thanks jade, can i call you jade, i like it more than kaka, anyways kam,

Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Sup guys
Should i make an shoulder texture with [NAO] ? for people who want it ?

Would be great to have one :)
though this poor j0y doesn't have the texture item xd

Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
This, k.

I'll just assume it was his little brother posting
owait he's not in nao, nevermind

Originally Posted by koalaking View Post
okai erryone, i havent completely given up on head making, and have been working on this one for a couple of days, constructive criticism and/or purchases are welcome idk how to make a spinny, but it looks better that way (as a spinny)

[nonconstructivecriticism]I've tried it in-game, the hair looks a bit weird x)
Try looking for head texture examples in the art board[/nonconstructivecriticism]

Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post

NimbleThief leaved the clan and is in the clan from legend.

I wanna make replays but i only wanna do it with guys from our clan.

Still no song for replay ? tell me what of kinda music we need .

Should i make an shoulder texture with [NAO] ? for people who want it ?

Knew about nimble. Didn't think I should bother telling you this. Also, what may said.
Btw,you can make replays by yourself... In free play... Oh well. Will have to go online sometime...
About the music, I think it should be something similar to the previous clan video's. But it's just my thoughts. Feel free to suggest something more.
Originally Posted by May

Anyhow, dad needs to undergo a surgery due to having "rocks" in his gall bladder.
Hoping that there won't be any complications.

So do we, may. So do we. On a somewhat related note, my cat died yesterday and I am fucking sad.
Originally Posted by Kakajade

Kakajade, urgh... c-could you not write that thing in your posts? It... err... makes a weird tickling feel in my testicles. You don't want to indirectly tickle my testicles, do you?

Also, kam. Didn't notice I was quoted in your signature, lel.
Btw, you didn't miss much. I mean, we talk about stuff, do things. Have a life sometimes, and don't have other times...
Anyways, think we should become more in-game active again. Made a room in-game for a short while today. Didn't work out as well as I thought it would...
err... yeah...

P.S. Today, I made the official nao flockDraw room, but then zac came in. And after him Hagan joined. With Adrian.
Penises are everywhere.
Was a mistake ;-;
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
You don't want to indirectly tickle my testicles, do you?

can i tickle them directly,

Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
I've tried it in-game, the hair looks a bit weird x)

and j0y, fixed the hair, try this one

made the eyes a bit thicker also
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Originally Posted by koalaking View Post

made the eyes a bit thicker also

Koala, the hair looks really cool in my opinion, but you could try making it look like it has layers in it. Besides that, it's pretty good.

Also, what genre of music should we do? That could make the choosing more simpler. In my opinion we should go with something like DnB?

Last edited by Yoki; May 2, 2013 at 02:29 AM.