Current Rank: Swordmaster - [Including special rank; Banksta]
Rank You Want To Achieve: Boatswain
Why You Feel You Deserve Said Rank: I feel that I deserve this rank due to many things, which I will explain more in detail in the next question. I Have been very loyal to this clan, and have contributed alot.
What Have You Done For The Clan: All right, I might as well make this a list, as there are numerous things I have done.
- Ran/running clan Shop.
- Keeping bank
- Upcoming clan video, managing the financial and every aspect about preparing+making it (Expect to see an epic video after summer)
- Stayed very active and posted many suggestions very often
- Suggested and put to action the recruitment/rep innovation for the clan, which is improving our global clan reputation steadily.
- I have been loyal, and put my thought into every post here(well, almost).
How Long Have You Been In The Clan: Hrm, 3-4months? Maybe 5. I say it's a pretty fair time in it.
Well, I hope you accept me as one of your boatswain crew members!
-Reekon [Banksta]
ACCEPTED, and we still own you the promotion.
Last edited by GrayveXP; Jun 20, 2010 at 05:54 PM.