Christmas Lottery
There's going to be an end to the universe so there's going to be an end to the world. It's obvious. Anyways I won't be around for the big rip so i dont care.
Made by Fenris
What if you are apart of the time rip and destroy all the universe but go to a parellel universe full of gay sex? WOULD YOU CARE THEN?
Originally Posted by Spark View Post
What if you are apart of the time rip and destroy all the universe but go to a parellel universe full of gay sex? WOULD YOU CARE THEN?

Most likely not because id tell the faggots to live up to their name and burn at the stake. And for those who don't understand, in medieval times when people where burned at the stake the bundles of sticks where called faggots.
Made by Fenris
Are we talking about the big crunch? Which will perhaps happen?
My theory is that our universe is held together by the gravitational mass of the black holes. In all galaxy centers, there is a black hole which keeps everything from expanding due to the pull of the universe. One day, the universe will reach its maximum, and begin to implode, thus all of the planets who originally felt the gravitational pull of the universe will now feel more attracted to the massive black holes in the center of the galaxies. This will mean that any matter will be destroyed, and soon only black holes will be left. Eventually I believe that they will all form one supermassive black hole, which, under the weight of the whole universe will implode upon itself, thus creating a space so infinitesimal that even the slightest stir will cause it to explode. BOOM. It explodes, new big bang, nature recreates itself, perhaps as a parallel universe or what not. Thoughts?
No thoughts from me but If the worlds going to end anytime soon or in a few decades I would like the earth to blow up and make a new planet and species.
Originally Posted by trikskier View Post
Are we talking about the big crunch? Which will perhaps happen?
My theory is that our universe is held together by the gravitational mass of the black holes. In all galaxy centers, there is a black hole which keeps everything from expanding due to the pull of the universe. One day, the universe will reach its maximum, and begin to implode, thus all of the planets who originally felt the gravitational pull of the universe will now feel more attracted to the massive black holes in the center of the galaxies. This will mean that any matter will be destroyed, and soon only black holes will be left. Eventually I believe that they will all form one supermassive black hole, which, under the weight of the whole universe will implode upon itself, thus creating a space so infinitesimal that even the slightest stir will cause it to explode. BOOM. It explodes, new big bang, nature recreates itself, perhaps as a parallel universe or what not. Thoughts?

Since it's already been thought of, I don't think you can call it your theory p:

Anyways, It's pretty certain that the thing about the black holes is right. Well, mostly the massive black holes, but stars and planets have gravity as well, so it's not only the black holes that does it.

Nature will eventually recreate itself, but that'll take a fucking SHITLOAD of time.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Erm trik.
i believe we have discussed the falsity of the big bang.
For one.
The galaxy isnt expanding.
Also dragon.
Black holes have alot of gravity, more than any star.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard