Hey there Obey My names Rob not short for robert just Rob
I'm 20 years old and i live in england so my GMT is +0
I currently have no replays because i've just recently gotten back into toribash, i've been playing for about 2 years now, my mains strengths are, Aikido, Wushu, Ninjutsu, judo, I've recently been training on runnning as would like to learn how to parkour properly, while reading my application please take into consideration replays do not show everything and would like to be judged on my ability to play ingame not just make video's, i'm just another british chap who enjoys his toribash i dont have any pets and do like to have a drink everynow and then i've always had a passion for gaming more than anything, because there's nothing as satisfying then bashing someone in on a video game, i used to be a clan member a long time ago but that should not matter, i do have a mild sense of humour and love banter, i've still got alot to learn about the game and i'd like to do that in a clan i will admit i am a little rusty at the moment but am hoping with the guidance and help from obey i can become a good player again, i will be dedicated to both posting on the forums and playing if accepted, i hope this chunk of text didn't bore you too much, All the best Ownedplum.

Belt: Brown but my ex-Main (NinjaKyle) Was 4th dan black belt

GMT: -5.00 Eastern

Past Clans
Phase: Were Forum Inactive
Brutal: were forum inactive
Pyro: Died
Cry: Didnt Feel like the clan for me
Electric: Leader spammed alot and didnt care
Origin: didnt feel like the clan for me
Metal:Sadley Died

Player Card: (Old)

Player Card: (New Main)

About Yourself: My name is Kyle i really like [Obey] a couple of my friends are in this clan .I live in Greensboro, North Carolina i've been playing toribash for 3 1/2 years and i really like toribash i am forum active and i play in game everday all day i try to post when i can every day My favorite mods are Wushu, Mushu, ABD,Akido,Greykido but i never really focused on any other mods. And i would like to join this clan cause i thinks it is a really good clan and i know im not like master belt like the rest but i stand out when i play i practice all the time and i hope yall consider this app ty for taking your time out of your day to read this app and i am a well rounded guy i know when to make people laugh and i know when to get serious you always gotta have a well rounded guy in your clan and hopefully i will be that guy

I have actually been in this clan before. Stuffed happened that i honestly dont remember. I wasn't as experienced as I am now, so that might've been what held me back a little to re-apply. I hope I can prove myself and be able to become apart of [Obey]. I've seen a lot of members and they seem really good, some never really speak when I'm around, which I have no problem with.

If you didn't know, I am a very experienced Mushu'er/Wushu'er. Only a handful of people know of my skill but I am hoping to become known more. I am 14 once again I am a very mature guy, I understand some of you might've heard bad things about me in my past, But I hope you all can forget the past (including other people that I might've had problems with that may be reading this), and focus on what's important. Present and future. It's not much because all of my old replays have been obscured due to updating my Toribash. So they are all gone, most of my favorite ones too. But some of you may have already seen because I have been sharing them everywhere like crazy due to me really liking them to an extreme. To tell you a bit more about myself, I like to play sports, I am a very intelligent and out-going guy . I can be serious and be really funny at times. But I am usually chill at times unless I am upset for whatever reason.

Hattersin recommended me to apply here, but other then that... I can't think of what else there is to inform you of about myself, but I hope this should do. So I hope you all take this application into consideration. Oh and by the way, for those of you that don't know,Unfortunately i dont have a skype. but sometime soon but when i do Feel free to contact me. Any other questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this.


Attached Files
#A_Star.rpl (165.2 KB, 1 views)
#Sparring.rpl (726.5 KB, 3 views)
#Destruction.rpl (90.5 KB, 2 views)
#Fluidity.rpl (166.9 KB, 2 views)
#Freedom Rainn.rpl (123.9 KB, 2 views)
║ OŁƉɅ ║
I'll come up to you from South Carolina and arm wrestle you to decide my vote.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة

Hey guys, my name is Matt or Sense (down to personal preference) and I am 15, 16 in January. And yes, I am Brit (Meaning my GMT is +0), and my hometown is in a place called Huntingdon, England. Now flood every stereotype out your mind as I have been told that Brits aren’t portrayed too well. The rest of the information displayed should be covered in the following sections of the application.

I understand this clan is, at the end of the day, a community, or family of sorts. But I suppose in the end it all relates back to the game itself and so my life inside of the game is what I shall cover first (Feel free to correct me at any point if I have misinterpreted any ethics or views of the clan). My Toribash career of sorts started back in October 2013, where I was introduced to the game by a good friend of mine, who has since left the game. I began by just playing fun mods and it was more about messing around with friends. But this friend started playing more competitively and so he asked me to let him ‘train on me’ (completely stomp me every game). I went on with this, because I thought he was the best of the best. But one day, over a school holiday/vacation where he went off abroad and so was off his computer. I played all throughout this time, focusing just on abd and aikido. So that when he came back, I could suddenly start putting up a fight, and occasionally beating him. This carried on and he became my training partner. Although I was always more active, and focused on the community and public servers more, resulting in my skill slowly edging away from my friend’s. This continued until I started becoming a lot better than him, and got invited to my first clan ((Mod) if I recall correctly, a minor clan) and my friend started to move away from Toribash. This left me solo in the game, but instead of moving away I carried on, and have been carrying on all the way up until now, where I am here.

I have been fairly active on the whole, with only 2 blips of activity, where I had major parts of my life momentarily overlap. For example applying for the British army (Including a 7 week course in Canada) and GCSE’s, both of which are unlikely to interfere with my life any further. In terms of game activity, I am usually on around 4-5 days a week, and I am in game around 15 – 20 hours a week, and over the weekend I am generally available if really needed at any time. But crucially I pride myself in my forum activity in which I am on almost always. Yes, I understand my post count is only at 477 (at time of writing this application) although I am basically always on the forums if needed, and it is definitely the best place to access me from, but generally I only post in necessary threads, and am not one to post on every thread in existence. My community exposure generally stays inside of the client itself. Although is not completely exclusive of this aspect. I shall reserve my past clans to its own section and shall format it as a bulleted list because this seems more effective. Also I suppose this is where I should add why I would like to join this clan. And really it has been down to, as far back as I go down my Toribash career, Obey has always been my goal, as it always seemed to be ‘the clan to be in’ and stood out to me as an incredible clan, even with these other clans taking the spotlight. I don’t know I just always had that feeling for obey I suppose.

By the way, my past username was Sk1llz (Although I doubt you will recognise it)


This was my first notable clan, and was the only clan I personally created, it was fairly successful, although I ran it with a friend, who left the game, and individually running the clan was too much to handle, and so I handed over ownership.


This is the next clan I was a part of, and I had a very good time at, making a name for myself and getting along well with the members, although this clan was struck by inactivity and the lack of wars meant my time at the clan had to come.


Vibe is the clan I joined after KnC, and is the most recent clan I have been in. I had a great time in Vibe, and did my best to help out as much as possible, this was the peak of my clan war career, all killing many wars and making a mark in the clan, reaching the rank of transcendent mage (the most prestigious rank before reaching the council). Although I left this clan as it became much more serious than it was and it took on a whole new attitude which I saw best to part from.

My competitive exposure in Toribash is moderate, with some replays attached of my playstyle, yes I understand it is not the most fashionable or fancy, but it seems to work and I can definitely hold my own in fights (If anyone would like to test me then please let me know). In terms of exposure itself, I do not think I am incredibly known for my place in the competitive scene. Although the people that have seen me play recognise me as being a good player, and in my old clans I was often a war MVP, all killing a lot of clans and definitely ‘doing my part’. As said some replays are attached with this application, but please keep in mind I don’t pride myself in having the most graceful playstyle, I instead concentrate on the effectiveness. I am a 10th Dan Black Belt with my QI at 12,741 at time of writing this application. My favourite mod is ABD and or aikido and my least favourite is probably taekkyon.

Outside of Toribash, I get up to a surprising amount considering my activity on the forums and in the game. I am a national athlete over 100 and 200m, I am a big Call of duty player (Xbox > PlayStation c;) and I am a ranking cadet for my army cadet force detachment. I am big on the army, with my aims in the future to become an infantry officer. In terms of school, I am in my GCSE year, and currently set for all A’s or A*’s in my upcoming GCSE’s (I am afraid I do not know the relevant equivalents of this). On the aspect of sport, I play football (soccer) and rugby, as well as being an American Football fan.

Other than that, I do not know what more to say, and so I will leave it up to any further questions at this point, as said my activity lies on the forum if you need to contact me or ask me any further questions, otherwise find me on game or if needed I shall provide my skype.


Attached Files
Obey Application #1.rpl (30.3 KB, 5 views)
Obey Application #2.rpl (33.2 KB, 3 views)
Obey Application #3.rpl (90.3 KB, 3 views)
Obey Application #4.rpl (68.9 KB, 3 views)
Obey Application #5.rpl (55.2 KB, 3 views)
Obey Application #6.rpl (63.5 KB, 3 views)