Christmas Lottery
My sister called them fighting beads so maybe it's a sister thing.

ALSO I'll be assigning everyone's roles in the clan league, everyone participating anyway, as in who's playing what mod. Anyone who intends to fight for our honour be sure to check out the new thread.

And glad I got a few replys from the pm .
Last edited by Snook; Jul 16, 2014 at 05:37 AM.
Sounds good. I'm pretty bad at everything, but I'll actually hop in-game and play the mods and see which one I'm best at. They're all mods I'm not used to. I thought I'd do alright in judofrac since I played judo so much, but it's basically aikido without the dojo and I suck at it so I don't know. I'll keep you updated.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
What? What if I cant go ingame :|
Anyway I can handle aikido,aikidobd, judo (a little), twinswords (forgot the technique), jousting (lol)
But, the hell is erthtk, judofrac,lenshu, greykido?
u wot m8
Originally Posted by Sarutobi View Post
Sounds good. I'm pretty bad at everything, but I'll actually hop in-game and play the mods and see which one I'm best at. They're all mods I'm not used to. I thought I'd do alright in judofrac since I played judo so much, but it's basically aikido without the dojo and I suck at it so I don't know. I'll keep you updated.

Shit that's the mod I was thinking of for you because of judo haha, we will think of something though. I put the thread on hold due to being on my phone, I'll have it up soon enough.

Sniper dude install the game again please <3
Yep I'll install the newest version right now
Fuck this, my pc sucks, it cant load the newest and the older version of tb
Last edited by Sniper; Jul 16, 2014 at 01:47 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
u wot m8