Christmas Lottery
Happy Birthday, feel free to get good this year ))

............................... ^(Directed at Chirs)^
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Oi smally, bae, fite me m9. I'll 420 your 360 m8. xD wtf am I on about?
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
and yes, he ate all the girls.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Gratz on your anniversary! Have fun with all the ladies! Chirs DID NOT THREATEN ME WITH INFRACTIONS TO POST HERE!
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Abyss what's the story behind your belt name?
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
well we aren't the most active clan atm ;)
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave