Originally Posted by
What stupidtaco said.
Michael jackson didn't do ANYTHING wrong.
Those so called child molests were never prooved, and he won the lawsuits.
Micheal Jackson had Child Pprnagraphy inside of his household, and has multiple witnesses and Acusations that he did infact molest a child. It's what he thought was "Love"
It doesn't matter if he won the lawsuit.
Micheal jackson was a great preformer, but nobody helped him when he needed it and, he was fucked in the head all of his life.
You guys seriously can't say how great he is when I bet just a week ago all of you were making fun of him, it's downright wrong guys.
Oh...yeah. What does micheal Jackson and Ronald Mcdonald have in commen?
They are both clowns who jam meat in 8 year old buns.
Last edited by Cinamintz; Jul 8, 2009 at 07:01 PM.