in regards to not relaxing your neck in a replay, i just want to know why not? some moves don't work without certain joints relaxed, tho i only seen one that doesn't work without the neck relaxed. but still :?
Usually when people make replays they want it to be at least a bit realistic.
A floppy head doesn't look realistic, at least I don't know anyone who's head flaps up and down all the time.
And it just doesn't look good when the head does that.
Guys, do you have/know the game called "2048 puzzle", if you do please do tell what your highscore is. I just got the number 4096 and i feel like a boss , had to sit on the toilet for over 30 min, you don't want to experience that, trust me :|.
I have plenty of time today, because apparently our school decided tomorrow would be a holiday \( ^-^ )/, i can make a betting server and stuff.