function game_over()
	if (get_world_state().game_frame<=get_world_state().match_frame)then
		echo("TIME OUT")

echo("TIME OUT") happens when the time ends and echo("DISQUALIFIED") happens if one of the players gets disqualified.
you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar! thank you so much for that, I never would have thought of using the match frames. hopefully I'll be able to evolve much better moves now

umm, I spoke too soon. you answered my question perfectly but I forgot that I don't know who caused the disqualification. Is there any way of checking this?
Last edited by SmileyJones; Apr 29, 2010 at 02:13 PM. Reason: merged, please use the edit button
I mean checking who caused the disqualification

sorry thats exactly what I said before I mean finding out whether Uke or Tori was responsible for the disqualification, or who was the actual winner
Last edited by SmileyJones; Apr 29, 2010 at 02:13 PM. Reason: merged, please use the edit button
Originally Posted by squeakus View Post
Is there any way to check if a match ended in disqualification? Is there some method similar to get_bout_info that does it?

	local function end_game(wt)
		local wintype = 'draw'
		local winner = 'none'
		if wt == 0 then
			wintype = 'points'
		elseif wt == 2 then
			wintype = 'dq'
		local win = get_world_state().winner
		if win~=-1 then
			winner = get_player_info(win).name
		echo(winner..' wins by '..wintype)
"Wenn Sensei Tanaka sein Shodushi ist, dann soll er hingehen und uns den Dimak zeigen!"
sorry if that is a noob question but... whats about the new_mp_game hook?
i used this

function EchoBla()

add_hook("new_mp_game", "Test", EchoBla)
but it dont do anything... is there a way to fix it?
qaywer Mongius BlubKill Jaker GerFight Pinheads Coolino <3 | [TEO] | [T3AL] | [HighTunesYT]
So, I've got a bunch of spheres using draw_sphere_m. I want to translate their 3d positions to their positions on the screen, so you can click on them to drag them around. Am I going to have to use the camera position and just figure out the screen position from there, or is there a command I can use?
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
-- x, y = get__screen_pos (number x, number y, number z)

-- USE: Returns the screen coordinates of a set of specified world coordinates
-- NOTES: -

local x, y, z = 0, 0, 0

local posx, posy = get_screen_pos(x, y, z)
echo(posx .. ", " .. posy .. " = get_screen_pos (" .. x .. ", " .. y .. ", " .. z .. ")")
^ \script\sdk\get_screen_pos.lua

function draw3dfunc()
    x, y, z = get_joint_pos(0, 0)
function jointinfo()
    if state == 3 then
    echo("Neck is relaxed")
    else echo("Neck isn't relaxed")
Ok so i just started lua a few days ago.
I know im doing something wrong, and i want you guys to help me with this.
This is just a test.
I want the script to draw a black sphere around the neck and to say if the neck is relaxed or not in every frame.
Also the error message in stderr is: Lua script error in file yoyotest.lua: data/script/yoyotest.lua:9: '=' expected near 'if'
Last edited by Yoyo; Jun 10, 2010 at 05:32 PM.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men