Christmas Lottery
Age: 12
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans: nothing
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): replays
Infraction History: i have 2x banned
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): im from Indonesia.i want to join because this clan is nice(i like corrupted).my favorit mod is judo and Indonesian but i live in Thailand
Replays: Post here at least 3 replays

thank you

Attached Files
wkwkwk.rpl (32.7 KB, 3 views)
good job nice.rpl (32.8 KB, 4 views)
hahaha.rpl (27.4 KB, 3 views)
Moderated Message:
You Are too Noob, Go and learn some move
Originally Posted by DarkDemonx View Post
and for me ? yes ;p

Handclap, Isn't he the kid who was being a faggot telling jokes and shit about me?
^I don't know Jetsnix, they all look the same to me. In any case, darkdemonx was just accepted into essence a day or so ago, so he's either collecting clan memberships, or doesn't care what clan he joins.

Note to applicants: There is no multiclan achievement, you don't win the game by joining all the clans.
Last edited by 1handclap; Jun 18, 2011 at 09:48 PM.
Age: 14
Belt/Qi (User Card): 2nd Dan Blackbelt, (300 until 3rd Dan)
Past Clans: TAG,Atlantic,Parrot, Etc.
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): Im OKAY at making textures...Not great,Lol...
Infraction History: Nothing major.
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): My real names Clint, Live in Atlanta.
Replays: Post here at least 3 replays...Pending, If needed on request.
I fu**** a murmade