orko vs swexx

i'm going to vote orko on this one seeing how he did manage to make the most interesting skeet i have ever seen.

on swexx's replay the manip was dank as hell as it usually is but nothing as spectacular as orko's skeet.
I'm gonna have to agree with internet here. Both manips are super sick, but Orko's has one of the most ridiculously stupid amazing skeets I've ever seen.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I challenge both NutHug and Notnoob to a shokugeki!

-30 Gravity Tricking Focused Replay. As long as the focus of the replay is tricking and the gravity is -30 anything is allowed.

Replay due two weeks from this post. Judges are Flash, Swexx and Jaker. 30,000 TC wager.

It is the rip dogs to you my friends.
Last edited by millie; Jul 22, 2015 at 09:49 PM.