Christmas Lottery
Finally picked up and finished Bioshock. Whilst I have mixed feelings regarding how much I enjoyed the game, it's probably something that any gamer should give a try. It has great setting, fairly ok story, really nice gameplay mechanics. It's however ridden with many flaws, first of all it's hella glitchy/bugy/crash-happy, general bullet sponginess and espsecially the one due to difficulty level is annoying (I switched from hard to normal later because all it seemed to do ever was turn enemies into bullet sponges), wrench is superior to most weapons, no-death-endless-respawning was a dumb choice in a game like that etc.

Still, for the gameplay mechanics and storyline alone it deserves some kind of 8/10.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I decided not to buy it because a) cbf to spend moniz b) it'd be bad for me to get addicted to a game now, I should be studying from time to time. c) the release was prolonged so much that my hype died out, I stopped caring.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Okay, so Cities: Skylines is VERY addictive.

Also playing COD: Advanced Warfare on One now.. Big hater of the series AFTER COD 2,
but I must admit that I really enjoy this new addition!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I'm sorry, but I'll be a battlefag for the rest of my life. Battlefield just captures my feeling of accomplishment more than CoD does. Bought Endless Legend, it's pretty sick, works a bit like a Civ with Spore and D&D thrown in. Pretty amazing.
goodbye cruel world
I thought alike but now I cannot forgive what they do with battlefield; the same as they ruined CoD. They now will release new battlefields every year which are lacking improvements and are half finished.
I've seen stuff from the new Battlefield but I am very, very disappointed.
Like you, I've been more of a Battlefield player (to be truthful, I've never really played the series other than COD:2 and Battlefield:2) than a COD player.
But never with vehicles, I hated that if a good pilot got into a tank or heli, your chances are slim.
Always was more of a shooter than into vehicles.

Never thought I'd give COD another chance but it's happening.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
BF4 was good, BF3 was simply amazing, hardline is meh.

And yeah, vehicles are good for getting from Point A to Point B, but using them for killing dudes is bullshit.
goodbye cruel world
What I always missed in bf, was the lack of cooperation when It came to vehicles. Like you take 3 tanks and attack one point while getting support from helis but instead everyone splits and tries to do everything alone.