@Dzajko: I tried getting into DMC with DMC 1 & 2, wasn't impressed. Whoever did the camera placement is a fucking moron and should not be allowed to do anything game-related. Many people think that the series became good after DMC 3 landed, so maybe you would like it. Watch some gameplay videos on youtube and if you like that, get it. That would be my advice.
As for Remember Me, double check your info. The game was announced, but it won't be out for quite some time. The trailer is out, but the game is still in development. Any reviews you are likely to find are full of shit, because you can't review any product objectively until it is finished(unless it's a closed/public beta). You may have come across previews, which are often biased and generally not worth reading.
The premise seems interesting, I just hope they can pull it off. They better, a lot can be done with that idea. The developers had a hard time finding a publisher, since apparently major publishers are morons and didn't want a game with e female lead character. They though gamers wouldn't play a game with a girl in the main role. That statement is extremely stupid and not based on facts, as the Tomb Raider series and Heavenly Sword have proven. Also, I personally know a great many RPG players who regularly play through a game with a female character, in some cases because they are bored with the stereotypical "male hero" guy.
@Pitch: You'd buy Dark Souls? I wouldn't, largely because I've played Demon's Souls
The sheer frustration you experience before you can become sufficiently proficient at it isn't worth it, IMO. I do realize that it was made as an old-school RPG, but it order to be really successful you have to play it in a very specific way, and I have no interest if I have no choice on how to proceed.
About this Sleeping Dogs bullshit, is it impossible to simply get a USA version(legally) and play that? Or does the government force you to buy only games(or censored version of games) that they do approve? Frankly, I think I would find other ways of getting the game, considering that I have bought it and helped the developers. I wouldn't even feel any regret, not my fault the government is retarded.