Christmas Lottery
I sent the info a while ago too... I am anxiously waiting!
97% of teens know how to do basic math. If you are part of the 5% that don't, copy this into your signature.
Man I'm running out of TC FAST!!!, please let me know when the shop will be open again, any bonus for repeat customers lol thx
First class is not a plane ticket or a stadium seat, it's a way of life!!!!
Originally Posted by sa1uk View Post
it's not closed

Yes it is.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
Not to act like I'm impatient... (which I kinda am...) but I sent the money 17 days ago... does any one know what's happened to Sashall?
97% of teens know how to do basic math. If you are part of the 5% that don't, copy this into your signature.
That's good to hear. Also, wouldn't it be a good idea to update the waiting list, so you know who to pay, and also that we know that you know? Just a suggestion.