Haha I guess Aeon is getting desperate since they accepted Stich even though after all his
lies and that he was their 3rd choice.
Screw Aeon.
Remember their descrption-"More than just a clan,Were a family(Who loves some sodomy and incest)" lol.
For your records...

You've sent 3200 toricredits to 00naruto00

did anyone check out the thing ive added in the texture expo?
Originally Posted by Aitor21 View Post
For your records...

You've sent 3200 toricredits to 00naruto00

Yay! Thank you very much.
I'll make a note as reminder for giving it back.
Nah don't rage at the poor guy.
He will probably be searching for a new clan in the next few days.
After his promises.

Nice banner! Aitor.