Secret Santa 2024
We will get on your application as soon as possible , as you can see we have a major timezone difference and may not all be online at the same time.
Btw, i think Fox is taken, not sure if it is or not , need some more information from those offline peers
  • Belt - Brown
  • Timezone - +5 : 3 0 GMT India
  • Preferable mod - Aikido
  • Reason for joining - Kick some ToriHeads and Toributts, and I always wanted to join a Clan
  • Past clans - None
  • Forum/IRC activity - Im connected almost every everyday
  • Referral/invitation - None
  • Infraction/ban history - None
  • Skill sets (art, replays, video) - Replays
  • About yourself - Im a 14year old kid, likes to program and play..
  • Any other relevant information - None
  • I would like to train for Panther Earth..
Sorry for the delay,

@pranav123 , we will review your application shortly , most of our officials are currently on their holidays so there will be a delay for applications.

P.S. we know we should be active and all , but hey , we are people and we need our holiday time to relax hope you understand and can be considerate
Yeah I still check I've just been really busy. I'll start handling applications more thoroughly. Pranav you're currently under consideration and I'll try to get back to you BY friday if not on Friday.