Yeah I know. But we all know kodi, we have probably all met kodi ingame. He is clearly a nice and skilled person. We don't know about fire. He has not shown any proof of skill.

~logical to me. Still feeling in a harsh mood. My decision is still no.
Originally Posted by XfirekingX View Post
Hi, my name is Isaac Davis, or XfirekingX. I am 13 years old, and live in West Virginia, USA. I am blue belt, and am active ingame everyday. In forum, I look at it every couple of days. My previous clan is Eternal Assassins. I left because they were too inactive, and I want to join a more skillful clan. I see I have come to the right place. I have no bans or infractions. A reason you would want me in your clan, is because I am easy to get along with. I can make clan videos. Reason I want to join, is because I see that y'all are skilled and give discipline enough to have a good clan.

I hope you can consider inviting me. Thank you for your time



<~Arthur> Moslims go around exploding people
Yea, I am always on forums. I just only post when im talking to people. And since im in no clan, there isnt really anyone to talk to...
Fire, there are several places you can post. You can make art, videos or textures then post them in the art thread. Make videos for tc. Stuff like that. Anyway. For now its still a no, I have know clue of your skill and until I know its still a no, sorry <3
Originally Posted by XfirekingX View Post
Hi, my name is Isaac Davis, or XfirekingX. I am 13 years old, and live in West Virginia, USA. I am blue belt, and am active ingame everyday. In forum, I look at it every couple of days. My previous clan is Eternal Assassins. I left because they were too inactive, and I want to join a more skillful clan. I see I have come to the right place. I have no bans or infractions. A reason you would want me in your clan, is because I am easy to get along with. I can make clan videos. Reason I want to join, is because I see that y'all are skilled and give discipline enough to have a good clan.

I hope you can consider inviting me. Thank you for your time


you seem to be very new to the toribash community, I'll give a no just because new players tend to give up toribash after a week or two, i need to know that you are here to stay and wont give up the game after you've found something else more no k bye
Originally Posted by Lmorti View Post

needs more no
jk not sure
leaning towards yes

thaT Made my day, thanks
Last edited by Arthur; Dec 30, 2013 at 11:31 AM.
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Miku View Post
Yeah I know. But we all know kodi, we have probably all met kodi ingame. He is clearly a nice and skilled person. We don't know about fire. He has not shown any proof of skill.

~logical to me. Still feeling in a harsh mood. My decision is still no.

in nao you don't need skill , thats what arthur said :
Originally Posted by XfirekingX View Post
I left because they were too inactive, and I want to join a more skillful clan. I see I have come to the right place.

Well, you see, as Kakajade has shown in his post, we don't really care about skill, thus you didn't really come to the right place.
We have quite a few blue belts in here and such and we aren't really active in-game, besides two or three people. Not to mention that we're not very active in general either.

Originally Posted by XfirekingX View Post
Reason I want to join, is because I see that y'all are skilled and give discipline enough to have a good clan.

Disciplined? We?
We're quite the opposite, to be honest.
Most of the things we do is on a whim.

So, I doubt you've done any research about us beforehand and accepting would only hurt you, since we're not quite what you've expected us to be.
Of course, that can be easily fixed by you simply communicating with us more.

Either way, I am saying "no" for now, since we still don't know each other well enough.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
I meant forum skill too, cause.. If you have no clue about forums and you end up getting into marketting like I did. You'd get a lot of infractions like I did, which is why you should have knowledge. Like, I'm not saying no because of a reason like "you suck at toribash stop trying" that's not what I mean. Its just, new players. Just. New. Players.

~new players can be very irritating (no offence)
I also meant video making skill

~but we have muun

~if I had sound I would make videos.
Last edited by Miku; Dec 30, 2013 at 12:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump