Sorry for being so blunt, I ment "scummy" as in we were hoping to get an entire clan disqualified because one of their members might have been four hours late.
Last edited by Dolphyno; Jul 21, 2015 at 02:51 AM.
Reason: changed "4" to "four" just cus
I just try to be more official on the forums. I still act the same and say the same stuff but without all the faces and incorrect spelling. In other words, I'm a blunt ass and usually cover it up with faces and incorrect spelling.
I just try to be more official on the forums. I still act the same and say the same stuff but without all the faces and incorrect spelling. In other words, I'm a blunt ass and usually cover it up with faces and incorrect spelling.
Don't be hard on yourself. I think your sharp,not blunt.
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid