So? What's your point?
I know that Piratez as my clan should have best spots but also, good things comes to ppl that can wait. Story goes quickly now, from one point to another, and all must be covered. Now, some Piratez members that I know better will have more showing, others will be there but not that much, I make selection by the look of their heads and sets also. If something can't be made to look good in Rift I tend to skip it. Drawing all ppl is impossible, as I stated before. Comic would be full of characters that are there just to fill the space, no characterization, nothing, just 'paper doll figures'... If u count the pages u will see that Piratez have most of the coverage, and will have mayor part in the story. Some ppl are more on screen, like Murmayder, he did left this clan but he also maintain it when our original leaders have gone over-night, and when situation wasn't pink for us. He has special coverage. Then, ppl like MadVVrold, Squirrel, GrayveXP, MrTeapawt, Sicks, leaders and our elites, then the rest will have showing. Kryo had a lucky spot cause someone had to be with Visitor and guide him in Toriworld, but that also had it's cost (Bojan smiles mysteriously)...
Now, I know what bothers u Sarge64, and the rest that didn't make it yet, it's the waiting... Waiting could be tough. Some ppl can't stand it. Also, there is jealousy, envy and anger, which are bad, since drawing someone more in Rift doesn't mean I'm taking sides or something. 2solid4snakes just fitted nicely into story. Solid Snake that bust big robots, it's cool. But, maybe he will die in next page, u never know with me... I'm a trickster. :P.
Also, when we are now talking about this stuff, look at clan [EVIL], I 'killed' their leader and some members and now there is some kind of 'grudge' between us (not with sorrow1, he's too cool :}) but that has to be done, I have to be true to my story and there are no compromising with it. What I think - goes, whatever u or anyone else thinks. I do ask ppl before I make new stuff, just to be polite, but seriously - my comic, mine rules. No one is forced to read it. You like - read, u don't like - skip. Go to wibbles instead, go to discussion treads, trade, do art, I don't care.
But, if I have played with u, if I have known u, if I have see that u are person that I like, u will sure have spot in Rift, and even, maybe, if I made mistake I could 'resurrect' u later. (EVIL members, read this closely :}).
So, pay attention, be polite to ppl, help others, don't troll, show respect to the ppl that are playing this game for god's know when, be sportsmen, be gentlemen, be fair and ruthless when someone attacks u for no reason. Be persona. And I will sure help u to be in the comic. I will make u immortal in this virtual life. I promise.