HEY HEY HEY this is important. I think the idea of a single thread for a topic with comments on them are a bad idea. Shouldnt we have links to thread starters? During my time in the SyN forum, I have felt restricted in the forums. I think making thread starters would be a better forum Idea. If you had a thread starter for a topic, everyone could have their own thread within the thread starter, allowing it to be more organized, and to have the thing you want to say hilighted, and easier for people to notice, instead of looking through every page. I have no idea how clan forums are managed, so I could be wrong that you can even make thread starters. Thanks for reading
Ok. Let me point out what I said. During my time with SyN, I felt restricted in the forums. Do you know the official forums? Where they have a certain section for Art threads, and a certain section for suggestions and stuff? Thats a thread starter. The SyN forum, is made of single threads were people have comments. Im saying that the thread starters will help because it will be like chapters in a book. You can jump to that section, knowing you haven't missed anything on the previous pages. Although again, I am not sure if clan forums are allowed thread starters.