Originally Posted by iAwesome View Post
Hello all.

Name: Linus (pronounced as Line-Us), common nickname on Tb: Lenny (Given by my homeslice, Nickone)
Age: 16
Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt
GMT: +8
Past Clans: I'm pretty sure I've only ever joined 2 clans in my entire Toribash life. They were Hug (Established in the year 2010 [if I'm not mistaken], an old clan) and recently, Savage. I was in Hug for quite awhile and it was pretty much the most fun I've ever had on Toribash in that little clan. Hug's leader left us so we all got separated and I was in Savage for one purpose - to help them revive their clan but things didn't turn out well since Savage's leader is busy with his exams. I left.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Art, I make textures. I only started making complete sets recently because we all know how it feels for the newbies in TB to play without even the slightest colour, shapes or patterns on their textures. To those who don't know and has never struggled with earning tc on Toribash, it's sad. So, I've started up my very own sets shop to help them out. I may not be a great artist, but I do the very best I can. Link to my shop is here:

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): None.

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): None.

Mods You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): Mainly, I can be found in judo servers but I'm a decent player in rk-mma, aikido, greykido too.

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): No, sorry. I can't.

About Yourself: I've been playing Toribash since the year 2010 and loving it ever since, even though I wasn't very good at it (sorry about my player card). It didn't take long before I was addicted. I let my parents down with my grades in Year 8, so I left this place for awhile to prove my parents wrong - to prove that I can be a serious student and a gamer which explains why I've posted so little even though I've been a member for almost 4 years. I've recently decided to come back and right now, I'm doing alright in school and I'm having my school holidays for a month+. I'm Malaysian and yes, Asian, a Chinese and Buddhist. Now, many say that any Asian can solve complicated maths and/or additional maths equations in a blink of an eye. Wrong. I've never excelled in maths and add maths and probably never will. I'm terrible at it. However, I love languages. I speak English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, a little French and some Japanese (from Anime, hah). My hobbies are playing tennis, frisbee, socialising, reading and drawing. You may not know me yet but I'm easily-approachable (though I take some time to open up to strangers), sociable, humorous and little quick-tempered but I'm working on it.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: In my opinion, I feel that the greatest joy in Toribash would be having friends/clan members to play and joke around with you. I'm tired of being the fucking lone wolf I am, lurking around the forums with almost no one to talk to in-game. Nowadays, it just seems as though clans are established for competitive reasons, but this clan seems to be filled with fun, warmth, and character (I stalk your forums, I usually see lots of art by Marrez) which reminds me of how much fun it used to be when I was in Hug.

Alright, I guess I'll end it there. I really tried making this as formal as possible but some parts of me were screaming at me to share my thoughts and elaborate more. Hopefully my application didn't bore you guys to death since it looked really long and uninteresting. On the side note, I'll be patiently waiting for responses and thoughts on my application. Thanks for your time!

Requested permission to bump my app, I hope some members get to see this now. Thanks Tripstone!
Attached Files
short spar darker.rpl (275.2 KB, 5 views)
spar with haiketo.rpl (285.2 KB, 4 views)
spar with mobin.rpl (225.5 KB, 4 views)
spar with mocu wf.rpl (343.2 KB, 7 views)
Elbow Split - 50cent20.rpl (99.6 KB, 4 views)
idk 2.rpl (76.7 KB, 5 views)
idk.rpl (120.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Zaxx; Mar 2, 2014 at 07:34 PM.
Hello Everyone.

Name: Phillip
Age: 13
Belt: 6th Dan BlackBelt
GMT: -6
Past Clans: Hmm, [Ascend], before it was offical, (Kira), and [xp] are the only ones that come to mind at this particular moment.

Player Card:
Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): Not2WC and xlustx are the only ones that come to mind. I don't Use xlustx anymore, but I use Not2WC for the irc.

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): I can spar Somewhat, some replays listed down below. Unfortunately, I do not have 3 sparring replays, but as I spar in the future ill update my application.

About Yourself: Well, I am a thirteen year old boy that, instead of studying and maintaining grades so I can maintain my Honor classes, plays Toribash from the time I get home 'till the time I pass out. But, lately, track and field has been interfering with this schedule :c, not too much though.

(Question by DrunkenMonkey): How many boats can you fit in your butt? Depends on the Boat and how much lube is available. Butt seriously, none. :c

(Question by Yusi): If someone touches you, and you liked it, is it considered rape? I don't know, is it? *touches Yusi in a completely non-sexual manner, yet Yusi still gets turned on*

I also have a Singleplayer and Multiplayer Replay thread if you want to see more Spar/Parkour or Tricking/Madman related stuff.
Thank you for your consideration, and Have a Great Day!
Attached Files
Spar_Fudgie.rpl (649.5 KB, 6 views)
Unjust.rpl (115.6 KB, 6 views)
Motivation.rpl (195.0 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by 2WC; Mar 3, 2014 at 06:58 AM.
[Market Squid] [Editing][OBEY]
Have a question concerning the market or anything of the sort? Feel free to ask me!
I'll change the caps somewhat later just a note that doesn't mean I'm aggressive I am the most patient and calm person you will meet just wait and see also if there is an eta for the reply to the apps that would be greatly appreciate the replays I posted are old scrap and junk I found except the mocucha one I mentioned that was new so I'm l looking forward to posting more in a bit of time
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
2wc come find me ingame sometime, I'm neutral for now.

Will do, Ill be online most of this evening, So I'll be looking for you in the most stalk able way possible
[Market Squid] [Editing][OBEY]
Have a question concerning the market or anything of the sort? Feel free to ask me!