Im sorry Scorpion, but Im trying to make the clan really active /:
I hope Its (not) me ... But I do feel that this clan needs done changes ... I could do some recruitment ... I am good at evaluating ppl... Anyway I wouldnt mind sending a clan invitation to Potram (Great Player) he is clanless :P
He might join the clan xD
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Originally Posted by fastmove View Post
Im sorry Scorpion, but Im trying to make the clan really active /:
I hope Its (not) me ... But I do feel that this clan needs done changes ... I could do some recruitment ... I am good at evaluating ppl... Anyway I wouldnt mind sending a clan invitation to Potram (Great Player) he is clanless :P
He might join the clan xD

Its not cool to invite people like that :c
Something is better than nothing.

Yeah dude we need to desire their presence in this clan for them to be invited you can't just be inviting everyone

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Love you Twistedgrl <3
Proud co-leader of (It's)
Sorry, but maube he could be our ally ? :3 Anyone have a Platinum Force ? I really need one /:
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Wait how can a new blood or a leader little helper invite
This doesn't make any sends
Something plz fix ranks
Fast move plz no
And Everex how did u doubl post ??
Plz work on It u r using tapatalk right??
Last edited by scorpionma; May 7, 2014 at 08:45 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Hi guys, just posting to said that i am now a senior members at forums

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Tapatalk don't merge posts when u post 2 posts
So I am just saying
Edit your first post instead of making another one
This can be used to bumb thread and..
Everex u are a genius
I am going to use that
Bye bye its..
INB4 14 days ban