View Poll Results: What items from the following would you like to get for free?
512 Head Texture
218 Votes / 45.80%
One Punkspike
31 Votes / 6.51%
Dq Texture
51 Votes / 10.71%
Dq Sound
34 Votes / 7.14%
A girlfriend
142 Votes / 29.83%
Voters: 476. You may not vote on this poll
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You've sent Breast Texture, Chest Texture, Groin Texture, Left Forearm Texture, Left Pec Texture, Right Forearm Texture, Right Pec Texture, Stomach Texture to Chirox.

I'll do 18.5K for the blindfold
You've sent Blindfold to Chirox.

I have a right wrist joint texture that I can sell for 8k. I'm pretty happy with it sitting on the market atm so unless you make a reasonable counter I'll leave it on the market.