turn on the bright what: hey chirs
CÝîïs: yo
turn on the bright what: i know you probably wont be happy by me saying this
turn on the bright what: but im thinking of maybe leaving aeon
CÝîïs: oh how comes?
turn on the bright what: its very distant now
turn on the bright what: i dont really talk to anyone there or do anything much with aeon anymore
turn on the bright what: its just become a tag really
turn on the bright what: i hang out with the tll gang alot
turn on the bright what: and we do some stupid shit
CÝîïs: well i cant say i havent noticed
CÝîïs: but dont get me wrong
CÝîïs: I always felt like it was you who was distancing himself from us
turn on the bright what: yeah i know
turn on the bright what: its just that i feel no urge to talk to anyone from the clan anymore
turn on the bright what: except you tbh
turn on the bright what: i like everyone in aeon of course
CÝîïs: you never talk to me
CÝîïs: and honestly
CÝîïs: I have been a bit salty at that sometimes
CÝîïs: but I dont know why you stopped and whenever you did write to me you were just, no offense, spoting nonesense
CÝîïs: like that time where you just kept answering "no"
turn on the bright what: its because we've worn out
CÝîïs: I feel like somewhere along the way, you lost us
turn on the bright what: done everything
turn on the bright what: talked so much that there was nothing left to do
turn on the bright what: i feel like alex doesnt like me to be around often
CÝîïs: heh
turn on the bright what: and everyone seems preoccupied with their own life
CÝîïs: i was on skype with him just now when yo utold me
turn on the bright what: same as me
CÝîïs: and he said "well it's because he's never here!"
CÝîïs: well, to be honest, I wont stop you
CÝîïs: it's just a shame that you'd rather just go somewhere else instead of trying to fix it
turn on the bright what: its my own fault really, ive become busy for once
CÝîïs: TLL is a good clan tho
turn on the bright what: going out more and having to actually do work
CÝîïs: if you join some shit clan like vibe or PP, you're dead to me <3
turn on the bright what: ye
turn on the bright what: ill still try and be in contact with aeon though
turn on the bright what: its just i dont have time any more and im already to far out to try and become a real member again
CÝîïs: if you ask me thats not true at all but okay
turn on the bright what: we can talk more often if you want to
CÝîïs: no, honestly, i dont want to force you
CÝîïs: you were never the kind of person to talk when theres nothing to say
CÝîïs: so that would just make it weird if you suddenly try making shit up to talk about
turn on the bright what: yeah i didnt like silence
turn on the bright what: but i got other stuff to do now instead of just doing nothing pretty much all day
turn on the bright what: which is nice
turn on the bright what: anyway
turn on the bright what: its been a nice few years with you comrade
turn on the bright what: ill always appreciate that
CÝîïs: well cant say im happy
turn on the bright what: well
turn on the bright what: like the quote from the prestige
turn on the bright what: its not the man that goes in the box that people care about
turn on the bright what: its the one that comes out
turn on the bright what: and hey
turn on the bright what: more recruitment space
CÝîïs: dont try to put a positive spin on it
turn on the bright what: aw come on chirsy
turn on the bright what: every thing must have at least some sort of positive outcome
CÝîïs: tell that to the holocaust
CÝîïs: check the roster
turn on the bright what: hitler tried to prevent overpopulation
CÝîïs: the more you know xD
turn on the bright what: ill miss me too buddy
turn on the bright what: i mean
turn on the bright what: you
turn on the bright what: and the others
I cry ;( he left us for TLL. He left us for those stinking killjoys. I say we kill them all.