Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post
Hmm guys I'm fucking ill
I have the Pig flu -.-

HAha you done too much naughty things with pigs thats the price

Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post

On day two knights and one Anal decided to live forever......
and so the started to build there own army.

xDD epic idea, so you are knights and im an Anal? XD
Last edited by Chirs; Dec 1, 2009 at 03:40 PM.
My most amusing history for this year
My most amusing history for this year. Last night one of my best friends had birthday. We went through the town and have drunk some cocktails in a bar. Late in the evening we are after lives gone and on away there there, I have got hunger. So I went to McDonalds and there was a very amusing shop assistant. Thereby he works for a long time there, he talks a lot shit. After my order a Muslim boy has ordered a Big Tasty Bacon. One minute of late he came back and asked the shop assistant whether it only beef is. The shop assistant said largely according to "yes, this is the best German beef" and the boy went to his friends and has eaten the burger.
okay ehmm i think we maybe can make more ranks i asked spaft and here some ranks:
-Decap King
-Split King
-Mad King
-Dance King
-Parcour King
-Replay King

comments plzz

(maybe there come some new so look at that post)
If there are that much King ranks, it isn't too special to have a king rank anymore :/
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons, even death may die