You could learn to read first post of that thread, or take example of our friend Endoki or deady.
Post replays.
"Try-outs" last everytime I see you playing. I - if you're good enough - then one day will tell you to dress up in clan tag.
This thread only tells us you're interested, nothing more.
Of course, if you're famous/good/I like joo/know joo/your replays rock -> there's a chance (look at Endoki or Superstar) that you'll dress up without any need for further meetings, etc.
Btw DEADY, if you made some uber replays... you could probably "pull an Endoki" (get to clan from replays alone). Cause you're mature, old, have this olda org, etc. Read: except the fact that it seems we can't meet, you're hell of a player. ^^ So yea. We could do something about that too, deady...