I would wish to be either a TK or WUSHU teacher, If it is ok, I would also love to be a Senior Member.
I have very much experience with TK/WUSHU. They are the main mods I play and the main mods I get my streaks in. I have gotten a 24 wushu streak in the ultimate server, and a 27 TK streak in the Blackbelt TK server. I suppose I will upload one of my favorite replays of me destroying someone in tk. I am a very active member, apart from these holidays. I would hope I get approved.
Acid relax- 5k
Adamantium relax - 10k
Amber force-10k
3 Ivory forces - 10k each or 15k for all 3 \
Buy pack or them 1 force one lax- 30k
2 Ivory forces - 15k each or 20k for both /
Juryo relax - 500tc
Juryo force - 500tc
Tyrian relax - 10k
Velvet relax - 20k
Head texture - FREE
R-Leg texture - SOLD
Sphinx force - 1k
Platinum relax - 20k
Vampire relax - 10k
Whopping deals and lots of stuff!
If you want gradiants blood ill see what i have (i have loads of blood and gradiants)
Offer but too low will sprout you back up to original price PM me or if murray doesnt mind post here!