any fps game.
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Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
any fps game.

Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Hmm, I've said this about ten times now. You wouldn't be a sexy badass person who can take a thousand bullets, you would be you, no added superpowers, no added sexiness. One shot. One kill.

I'm starting to think the majority of the posters here can't read.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Black ops Zombies

It would be bad ass to get the raygun from the mystery box.
Although it will be sad when I die...

We will just leave tons of crawlers away from us and sleep. :3
will we be able to respawn?

But I guess I will pick pokemon cause its closer to real-life.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
Originally Posted by Dose View Post


Naruto (Definitely)

Can't believe I forgot to mention this.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
Can't believe I forgot to mention this.

Because having no say when some asswipe blows up your village in 1 second is just GREAT.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games