Full Juryo 6k
Typhon DQ
Typhon Emote
Typhon Ghost
Typhon Trails- Left Hand, Right Hand, Left Leg, Right Leg
Typhon Primary+Secondary Gradients
Typhon Timer
Typhon Torso
^ 10k ?
Edit: How much do you want for the Dragon Right Hand trail?
Quicksilver relax - 15k deal
Azurite Torso - 6k 3,5k
Azurite P. Gradient - 5k 3k
Azurite S. Gradient - 5k 3k
Amethyst Torso - 1k deal
Aurora Timer - 500tc deal
Aurora Torso - 1k 500 TC
Beetle Timer - 200tc deal
Cobra P. Gradient - 2k not interested
Cobra S. Gradient - 4k 2,5k
Cobra Torso - 1k 500 TC
Gaia Torso - 100tc deal
Helios DQ - 200tc deal
Juryo Grip - 50tc deal
Kevlar force - 20k 12k
Platinum Usertext - 5k 4k
Full Platinum Trails - 10k not interested
100 Marine DQ´s - 6k not interested
DQ Texture - 15k 13k
Edit: Also, you wouldn't happen to have any Bumpmap Textures would you? I'm only like 5 pieces off having full bumpmap. If only I could get them to work >.<