use as many joints as you can behind each strike.
(I.E. instead of just contracting right pec, contract right pec, rotate chest left, extend left pec)
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX:
go to toriwiki if you wan't to learn some moves, but the best way is to make your own moves, it will take some time, but then you got some awesome signature moves.
Guys can somebody tell how to jump upwards from where im standing?I read whole topic,there is only 1 or 2 posts asking for that,but there is no exactly answer.I'm soo new to this game,i can't even jump lols..
Please someone can tell detailed jumping ?
Sorry for posting for second time but i didn't get the exactly answer

Originally Posted by Magix View Post
...contract your knees, wait, extend your knees.

I tried that,just after doing this,my back going to floor.
I told ya,im noob Help Me please.Thnx..
to relaxall press c, then bend both knees, wait and extend.

can people please use their brains and think if the tutorial they are asking for are worth making?
can everyone please use the search button before asking for a tutorial?
can anyone tell me how to make a link to like a shop go to every server?
lol no-one knows me!!!.........................BANNANAS!!!
jezz: That's impossible. Promobot can do that to advertise tourneys, but only Promo Team members have access to that.
Whoop Whoop
Vector tutorial?
Requesting a home-brewn how-to-vector tutorial from the pros.
Might anyone have the time to put one together?
how do i get my heaad texture on a spinny sphere such as this?
winners dont quit quitters dont win and if you dont win or dont quit your an idiot.