Christmas Lottery
Rocker: No

Bad grammar, says he's active on the forums but has 20 posts, lacks swag and ballerness, past clans suck, I've never seen him ingame, and I don't like his name.
Well for starters, I definitely did not enjoy your app. It was extremely short and showed no effort whatsoever. Especially considering that half of its content was a list of clans that you have been in already. Which is another bad sign since you have been in that many clans and you are only a black belt. And as Soap said, your grammar sucks. My answer is a big fat NO!


Originally Posted by rocker168 View Post
Hello im a black belt preaty good at akido ,akido big dojo im always active in game rarely at forum i left my clan cos i wanna join an even awesomer clan im very bad at judo my past clans were chaos,the furious vipers,psych ward, i would love to join this clan i hope u like my app

Best app ever, *slow and really sarcastic applause*.
What did you forget here, your app sucks, i mean, grammar is horrible.
You're not forum active and previous clans suck, never heard of them.
Really big and fat NO!
Hia my name is Brayden I'm 15, I live in Canada Ontario. Out of Toribash I do Cross country (..its running) and Tennis. ingame I go by the name Puque (pronounced "puck") and i'm a green belt. I quit Toribash a wile back (over a year) and I'm starting to get into it again. My other account was Trickbob .. I don't play that account anymore because I forgot the password and I didn't like the name anymore :P
I'm not saying I will be crazy active because Toribash is just a game I play when I really have nothing else to do. But for the most part I do play daily not always in game but on the forums at least.
I have experience around the forums and such, I've been playing the game since 2010 and I also have experience ingame.
Other games I play are Starcraft, World of Warcraft and Halo ..
If you guys want to contact me on Skype my name is

xXxSuP3r_51imXxSh4dY_n0sC0pEzXx .. (don't ask)

Obviously i'm only 15 so I don't really know how to make a completely awesome app so if i'm missing anything or you are unsure or you just want to say hi .. Like I said, just add me on Skype. Toodlez

Edit: Yes I know I need to be a black belt but my old account (the one I mentioned above) was black.
Last edited by Puque; Apr 9, 2013 at 01:22 AM.
Swag Mode: ON
Originally Posted by Puque View Post
I did read.. As you can see I'm aware

Read my edit.

Kay then, Then i changed my decision to Neutral.

I'm gonna see what the others think and then changed again.
It's Fabulous
Become a black belt, come back, apply again, then I'll judge you. The fact that you posted the app without the requirements met shows ignorance. Please go become a black belt and come back.
Originally Posted by Puque View Post
Edit: Yes I know I need to be a black belt but my old account (the one I mentioned above) was black.

Can you give me a proof that you are the owner of that acc?
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar