Yes I joined pretty recently but that just gave me a reason to be active on the forums. I hadn't had a reason to be on the forums until I joined the clan. But you guys have to be informative and regularly have a clan server up. Just so the clan can chat and then you can ease them into coming to the forums and be more active there and tell them that can open some doors for them.
mmm maybe to attrackt more peoples we can add day questions?
What kind of music do you like?
What is your fovorite food?
What do you think about the end of the world?
and so on....
Last edited by viliuxazz; Dec 30, 2012 at 09:47 PM.
Well i doubt that will make them come. But you can talk to them about making a clan texture set so everybody in the clan look the same like soldiers or something xD.
That's not the point applsauce the point is that we need people to be a part of the clan not just have the clan name and do nothing. But i know what you're getting at.
Well i guess you're right. But the fact there are so many players coming it would be nice to see how their communication skills and maturity is on the forums.
I agree but Deak needs to come on and Kick everyone (exept Actives) and start over he needs to make Co leaders...And Makes 2 Leaders Not Fucking 5 make co leaders and make the other 3 "leaders" Co leaders
I means no Disrespect to you Deak cause your my Bruh but come on we needs some changes quick or this Clan will die just like my others ._.