Illuminiati is love, Illuminiati is life Xd
Now i gotta be all formal n' shit because I'm applying for co-leader. Anyways since i guess I'm an older guy i have more wisdom and maturity under my belt n' i have exp with leading a so called clan in many games. #1 Its because i have more skill and know the game better then everyone else, or #2 Is because i was chosen to become a co-leader.
Um i think that co-leader spot should be mine because i know this game well and i know this clan well, And I'm sure if anything were to happen where a leader and or co-leader has to interfere i would know exactly what to do to make everyone happy.
An other reason to make me co-leader is because i can/could host events because I'm some what rich when it comes to Tc flow.
Yea you guys know me, And you guys know how chill i am and how i like to make everyone laugh and just be sure that everyone is having a great time. If you guys don't choose me then yea its aight but it be better for the clan as well as individuals to make me co-lead.
#MakeMeWet! #MMM
Omfg yesturdays skype was amazing.
Morning - Hailing hattler
Morningish - Boku ** Piko (Yooooooooooooo)
AfterNoob - Alot of sales going between us
Kinda late - Tits are love, Tits are life
Kinda late - Hentai ....
#RipMyClanHentai #FkUSiku >_>
Kinda late - Melquart calling me a scruba diver x100000
Comparing yesterdays skype to todays, Its like yesterday we let out all our frustration and today we are chill again xD
Last edited by SirVooDoo; Aug 25, 2014 at 05:54 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump