What is your name in real life: Daniel
What is your name in-game: invalid0701
How many time do you spend in-game:like 6.30hhours per day in replays
how many time do you spend in-forums:1h
What is your belt: ( it really afect your possibilities to be in [PsY]) :black in this acc, 4th dan in my baned acc4ever (thresher)
What is you best mod: ( Just one no more ):aikidoBD
Tell us about your knows in-game:i know just to play fine.
Tell us about your knows in forums: not too much
Why do you wanna join? ( you have to write more than 30 words ):well, i want join, cuz psy have got a good rank and i can really help the clan, cuz i know special effets, video making, replay making and art, and i like the players too.
Why do we have to accept you? ( you have to write more than 20 words):Cuz i can help the clan, and i will like to enter on psy.
Do you have any extra skill? ( we mean like art or video maker, replays maker there are more like experience in forums , etc):replay making, art, video making, special effetcs.
Show us your examples of your skills: ( Like a proof that you can do it )
WHat is you GMT:gmt 1
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material:cuz im good.
How many time do you spen on IRC:all the time inpc, like 13hours
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays ( the multiplayer replays have to be in your best mode ):
With what you can help the clan? ( nothing stupid like "with my skill in-game" or "with donations":
What is the most important comand on IRC:no one
What is the most important comand in-game: /ban