Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post
@ Jisse : If you go online with it the give me your user name and I'll deffenetly add you , I also have a mike. MW is alright but you cant launch a rocket and blow out the side of a building or have your buddy hop in a jet and call him in for an air strike. It can be quite tactical if people have mikes , ive been in some intence senarios and came out with my foot in many peoples asses lol

Sounds good
Don't get your hopes up though :/
Originally Posted by ThePitcher View Post
DayZ sucks. Nuff' saidē.

It does not.
[Hunters], [RSO], and [Anime United]! I AM BACK FROM HIATUS
Originally Posted by HuskyDQ View Post
It does not.

Everyone has it's own opinion, let's not make this a "yes it is-no it isn't" discussion, shall we?
Offtopiccc Anyone here plays LoL? I remember mist asking that quite often but I didn't really get that who else plays it :P
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Originally Posted by fantyful View Post
Everyone has it's own opinion, let's not make this a "yes it is-no it isn't" discussion, shall we?

The problem is, that way too much people buy Arma 2 just to be able to play DayZ and they think its so awesome.

There are better mods for Arma 2 out there.
Even better zombie mods. DayZ uses (according to a post snake made) only Arma 2 arsenal and a few stuff from other mods.

Also in my opinion it's quite sad that in steam theres a little orange box now that says that you need this game (Arma 2 Combined Operations) to be able to play DayZ.

But well, thats only my opinion (and the opionion from a few people that played Arma 2 before DayZ.)
I have LoL, but i'm not into those sort of games.

HoN is much better than LoL in my opinion, much more challenging, better graphics and requires great teamwork to win a single game.